The Latest on HVAC Equipment Shortages

October 1, 2021

Like many industries in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the HVAC industry is experiencing disruptions in equipment availability and transportation. These disruptions are due to shortages of microchips, steel, and fiberglass. Deliveries have been slowed significantly by the nationwide driver shortage.

We’re working closely with distributors to pre-order equipment when we can and staying in communication so we can get equipment as soon as possible. 

Still, we never know when the supply chain will break down.

The fallout for the consumer is that new heating and cooling systems, and even some parts, aren’t available as readily as they used to be. In fact, it can take weeks—or even more than a month—to receive equipment once you’ve placed your order. 

Obviously, this could lead to an uncomfortable, expensive situation. 

Here’s our advice on how to help ensure that you can stay warm this winter:

Keep up on maintenance for your older heating unit

If you have a furnace that’s 10 years old or more, be sure to stay up on the maintenance. If possible, have your system serviced before the coldest months hit.

Many HVAC providers, ours included, have yearly maintenance plans that make caring for your system simpler. 

Make plans to replace your aging furnace

If your unit is 15 years old or older, start researching what kind of system you’d like to replace it with now. You may not need to replace it for several years. But if your system happens to give out in the middle of winter, knowing what kind of system you want will help cut down on the time it will take to order and get it installed. If you wait to start researching until your system fails, you’ll set yourself back. The sooner you can place your order, the sooner it will be delivered.

Have an emergency plan in place

Just in case your furnace does fail, have a short-term emergency plan in place to heat your home and stay warm. 

Use a modern (not open-element) space heater and operate it safely by leaving it on the floor and plugging it directly into a wall socket (not a surge protector or extension cord). Keep it at least three feet away from walls, water, and anything that can catch fire.

If you plan to use a wood-burning or gas-powered fireplace, be sure it’s been serviced and that you’re using it correctly. 

Stock up on water bottles, heating pads, and blankets. And be sure you have plenty of hot chocolate, coffee, and tea available to help you stay warm.

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